
Featured Curriculum

SHORT TERM PROGRAM: Chinese Traditional Culture and Contemporary Social Developm

2020-09-21 11:02:05   From: School of Urban Culture - South China Normal University   Views:


School of Urban Culture (SUC), South China Normal University

       South China Normal University is an institution of higher education with a long history and a rich legacy. It was founded in 1933. In 1996, it became a member of “Project 211”, a national project aiming to establish 100 well-acknowledged key universities and colleges in China. 2015 saw the co-construction of SCNU by the Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education as well as its entry into the Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project. In 2017, SCNU became a member of the National Sponsoring Project for World-Class Disciplines Construction. SCNU now boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University Town Campus and Nanhai Campus, with a total school area of over two hundred hectares and a total floor space of over one million square meters, housing a collection of over 3.7 million books.

     SUC is located in Nanhai Campus, Shishan University Town, Foshan City. SUC has a teaching staff with the background of integration of literature, aesthetics, economics, management, law, art and other disciplines. There are 33 full-time teachers, of which 61% are senior titles, 67% are doctoral degrees, and 10 are Master supervisors. There are two undergraduate majors in Cultural Industry Management, Network and New Media, and three university-level research centers. They are Pearl River Cultural and Art Center (co-constructed with the Center for Ethnic and Folk Literature and Art Development, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P.R.C.), Art Industry Center (co-constructed with Lingnan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Lingnan Printing Organization) and New Media Center. At present, SUC has established more than 20 off-campus professional teaching practice and student internship bases. The employment rate of students is 100%, and the graduate rate is about 29%. SUC has gradually formed the characteristics of humanization, informationization and internationalization.




1. Chinese Calligraphy中国书法

2. Chinese Painting中国画

3. Explanation of Chinese Classical Literature Works中国古代文学作品选讲

4. Ancient Chinese and Poetry Appreciation古代汉语与诗词鉴赏

5. Ancient Chinese Philosophy中国古代哲学思想

6. Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国现当代文学名作赏析

7. Modern Chinese and Applied Writing现代汉语与应用写作


8. Modern Chinese Popular Music History中国现当代流行音乐史 

9. China's Population and Society中国人口与社会

10. Introduction to Chinese Media Industry中国传媒产业概论

11. Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics当代中国政府与政治

12. Urban Development and Rural Revitalization in China中国城市发展与乡村振兴

13. Chinese Macro Economy 中国宏观经济

14. New Energy Exploitation and Sustainable Development in China中国新能源开发与可持续发展



1. Visiting Foshan Ancestral Temple and other cultural relics

2. Visiting some famous enterprises, such as ceramic business

3. Attending cultural activities

4. Attending meetings, conferences on specialized topics

5. Others



1. Tuition and Management Fees

3000-6000 Chinese Yuan per person for each part, at least two weeks for one part. Or you can choose the courses you are interested in, it's flexible.

2. Transportation, Accommodation and Meals

Exchange students will be responsible for all costs associated with and their transportation, accommodation, meals and other living expenses while in China.

SUC will assist international students in accommodation, transportation, meal issues upon request.

3. Supervision of the Program

The program will be supervised and appraised by the faculty members of SUC.

4. Certificated of the Program

SUC can provide exchange students with a certificate for their attendance at the end of the program.

5. General Rules for Exchange Students

International students are expected to return to their home institution after completing the program.

International students will be subject to the rules and regulations, policies and performance standards of SUC or the host entity. They will also have the same rights, privileges and access to the campus facilities enjoyed by students enrolled in degree programs at SCNU.

International students will be responsible for completing the required immigration procedures needed to for the program. SCNU will provide the necessary information about visa requirements in China, along with admission documents to enable the students to apply for the necessary immigration clearances required.

International students to SCNU must provide proof of health insurance on arrival. They are also responsible for ensuring that they have additional international health and travel insurance coverage that they may require for any specific/particular needs.


Please contact Dr. Zhou at 20141077@m.scnu.edu.cn if you are interested in the program.


